Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today is an exciting day.

Jeff and I were Navigators (aka facilitators) of a small group for our church for about a year and a half. It was an amazing experience. We got to witness some of our closest friends' spiritual growth first hand all the while growing ourselves. However, as hard as we tried to grow our group, things just didn't work out. We had couples join and never attend as well as attend and then move out of state (miss you guys btw). It was like God was trying to tell us to take a break but it took us a while to hear. Our group eventually naturally came to an end (and considering the average group lasts 18 to 24 months, this made sense). As much as we loved our group, Jeff and I felt some sense of relief. We needed a fresh start... and we needed a break.

And as perfect timing (God's timing) would have it, some wonderful new friends were planning on starting a new group. When we were invited to be a part of this new group, Jeff and I were thrilled about the opportunity. You see both Amy and Michael went to seminary and both work for our church. They both have incredible knowledge and live for Christ... not to mention they are some of the most loving and lovable people I know. 

So we accepted the invitation. We decided it would be an amazing opportunity for us to sit back and learn from others much wiser than ourselves. With different things going on, it was unanimously determined that group would start the second week of November. Jeff and I welcomed the break, and it was nice. But I miss small group!

So here we are! The second week in November! And our first meeting with our new group is tonight! I am overjoyed! Can't wait to get to know my fellow groupies better!

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